When I read this I knew I had to post it right away. The observations below by Justin Buzzard are well said and absolutely critical for the Christian believer to understand and act upon:
Everyone has to live for something and if that something isn’t the one true God, it will be a false God–an idol.
An idol is anything more important to you than God. Therefore, you can turn even very good things into idols. You can turn a good thing like family, success, acceptance, money, your plans, etc. into a God thing–into something you worship and place at the center of your life.
This is what sin is. Sin is building your life and meaning on anything (even a good thing) more than God.
Do you know the idols you’re prone to worship? At our church we talk about 4 root idols that we tend to attach our lives to.
CONTROL. You know you have a control idol if your greatest nightmare is uncertainty.
APPROVAL. You know you have an approval idol if your greatest nightmare is rejection.
COMFORT. You know you have a comfort idol if your greatest nightmare is stress/demands.
POWER. You know you have a power idol if your greatest nightmare is humiliation.
Read the whole thing.